Location Germany - German Film Commissions
Location Germany ist die gemeinsame Präsentation der deutschen Film Commissions und Locationbüros im Internet. Für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an die jeweiligen Film Commissions und Locationbüros.
Vertretungsberechtigter Geschäftsführer
Thomas Schäffer
Amtsgericht Hannover
Registernummer: HRB 59051
DE 211893998
nordmedia − Film- und Mediengesellschaft Niedersachsen/Bremen mbH
Expo Plaza 1
30539 Hannover
T: +49 511 1234560
F: +49 511 12345629
Bildnachweise und Copyrights finden Sie unter dem Menüpunkt WELCOME/LOCATIONS beim jeweiligen Foto.
Inhaltliche Verantwortung gem. § 5 TMG und Administrativer Ansprechpartner
Alle German Film Commissions | Supervision: Susanne Lange / nordmedia Film Commission Niedersachsen/Bremen (s.lange@nordmedia.de)
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This Web site contains links to Web sites from third parties (“external links”). The liability for these Web sites is carried by the individual operator. With the first linking to these Web sites, the supplier checked the foreign content for any breach of law. At that point, no breach of law was apparent. The supplier has absolutely no influence on the current and future structuring and the content of the linked sites. Placing external links does not mean that the supplier makes the content behind the reference or link his own. A continuous control of these external links without concrete indication of a breach of law is for the supplier beyond reasonable. With knowledge of a breach of law, however, this sort of external link will be promptly removed.
novographen – Scheuplein Tanja, Reese Sebastian GbR
Spitzwiese 7
97688 Bad Kissingen
T: +49 971 7852864
Hirschsiegel GmbH
Auenstr. 14
80469 München
T: + 49 89 24418577